About This Blog

As I have gotten older, finding ways to save money has become a passion of mine. Why spend more money on something than you have to? I would much rather spend that money on something enjoyable that I choose to do. Despite my massive salary as a secondary school educator, I continually look for new and different ways to put some extra money in our accounts. It has become a fun and exciting challenge, and I want to show you some of the ways that you can do the same!

The topics that will be covered in this blog will range from the unbelievably simple to the “is this guy psychotic?”, with everything in between as well. I will try to identify how much effort I believe needs to be put towards each one, especially as everyone is in a different spot with free time.

It is my hope that at least ONE of these things is doable for you, allowing you to put that money away for a vacation, towards a college fund for a child, or to spend it however you want!

The information posted here is not secretive, nor is it always overly complex. I was fortunate to have a strong financial background in my family growing up. I have also benefited from teaching Consumer Education to upperclassmen the last two years. Both of these things have made me realize how many people are thrown to the wolves with financial topics and expected to learn on the fly. In fact, I have seen a lot of that learning come when people are dealing with unexpected problems that could have been prevented. I am happy to answer any questions you might have or even write about suggested topics. I want this to be as beneficial as possible to anyone reading it!

Thank you for taking the time to read through my blog, and I hope it benefits you in some way!

What would you do with an extra thousand dollars saved each year?